We’re so glad you found us! Have you heard the news? Co-founders Lennon Flowers & Rev. Jen Bailey were interviewed by On Being with Krista Tippett!
We’re so glad you found us! Have you heard the news? Co-founders Lennon Flowers & Rev. Jen Bailey were interviewed by On Being with Krista Tippett!
We use shared meals to build trust and connection among people of different identities and perspectives.
Our work is born of a belief — to quote a popular adage — that “change moves at the speed of trust”, and a simple question: What needs healing here?
Windows 10系统安装虚拟专用网客户端工具 - 安全技术 - 亿速云:1 天前 · 由于很多情况下,员工出差时会用到虚拟专用网技术访问公司内部的资源,加之现在个人的电脑大多都是Windows 10系统,由于安装windows 10系统需要安装一些组件,那么就简单介绍一下如何在Windows 10的系统上安装虚拟专用网客户端工具。
一种适用于虚拟专用网络的快速重连方法与流程 - X技术:本发明属于网络安全技术领域,尤其涉及一种适用于虚拟专用网络的快速重连方法。背景技术随着虚拟专用网络(VPN)技术的普及,VPN技术已经支持移动设备,移动设备安装VPN客户端,接入网络(Wlan网络或移动网络)后即可访问专网。但是网络信号仍旧不稳定,移动设备经常变化位置,造成网络信号的 ...